Conversions are preformed by the excellent open source product ffmpeg that is distributed with all our products.
The application contains a drop down list of preset conversion settings in the toolbar.
Preset conversion settings are sorted by Device type, Manufacture and Format, so finding one right for you is very easy.
To automatically import converted media into iTunes, select an iTunes supported conversion settings and check the Import into iTunes item at the bottom of this menu.
You have full control over the preset conversion settings and can create, delete and modify them. However as new devices and formats are released we update preset conversion settings on our servers and these are automatically downloaded when you start the application.
To create, delete or edit existing preset conversion settings select the Configure menu item from the drop down to display the Conversion Settings dialog.
- Select the preset conversion setting you wish to modify from the drop downlist
- Edit button: Will enable editing of the existing preset.
- Copy button: Will prompt you for a new preset name and create that preset.
- Delete button: Will delete the preset
- Defaults button: Will reset all presets to their default settings
For more information on the conversion settings options please refer to the FFMPEG help.
To select files to be converted click the Add button or drag and drop files from Windows Explorer onto the application.
When you are ready to convert click the Start button.
When a conversion is in progress you can stop it by clicking the Stop button. All files that have not yet been converted will be cancelled. Files that are currently in progress when Stop is clicked may or may not be playable.
You can delete the current converted files using the menu Tools > Delete converted items.
Converted files are located in the same folder as the orginal. You can navigate to the file in Windows Explorer using the items Show in Folder menu option.
- To burn files to CD/DVD or BlueRay first add files by clicking the Add button or drag and drop files from Windows Explorer onto the application.
- Then select the Burn to Disc item at the bottom of the the preset conversion settings menu. The Burn Settings icon will then appear. If you dont want to burn then unselect this menu option, or select Remove from the burn icons menu and the icon will disappear and a burn will not be performed.

- Click this icon, or select Properties from its menu to display the Burn Settings dialog
- Type: Select from Data, Audio CD, Super Video CD or Super Video
- Disc Name: Give the disc a name
- Drive: Select the drive
- Write Mode: Select the write mode
- Write Speed: Select the write speed
- Order the files how you want them on the desc
- When you are ready to burn click the Start button.
- If you select No Conversion Setting when you click the Start button only a burn will be done of the added files. If you select a preset conversion setting then the added files will be converted first and then the burn will happen. Only the converted files will be burnt to disc.
- When a burn is in progress you can stop it by clicking the Stop button. The state of the disc will depend upon where in the burn you cancelled.